HP: Hardware Lifecycle Assessment + Waste Reduction


Cost & Material Savings

  • 50% Lower Shipping Costs

  • 97% of Old Devices Donated and Reused

Improved Material Choices

  • Extended Hardware Lifecycles

  • Build Sourcing Reuse Loop

Long Term Benefits

  • Employee Satisfaction + Stakeholder Buy-In for more Sustainability Initiatives from HPIT


In a strategy and design engagement, we evaluated HP's internal employee device lifecycle with a focus on waste reduction, end-of-life reuse, and streamlined logistics.


We began by collaborating with IT leadership in a 3-day design thinking workshop to map issues and user needs, developing prototypes and assessing their feasibility and desirability. Our research explored circular options for device end-of-life, including reuse, donation, and internal policies, such as free or batched shipping.


This led to a design prototype and internal logistics tracking tool, which reduced shipping costs by 50%, sending printable mailing labels that increased 97% of old device life-spans, with the option of donating the devices through various local or global educational donation programs, while capturing old and out of date hardware and devices from global employees during COVID-19.