Recent Projects

We bring our tried and true circular design & strategy approaches to every engagement - and yet each is wonderfully unique.

Starbucks embarked on a holistic transformation of one of their consumer packaged goods (CPG) products; we helped them achieve their bold goals to enhance supply chain circularity, ensure long-term sustainability, and reduce costs by $10 million USD.

Seattle Good Business Network’s (SGBN) small business members expressed an interest in running their businesses more sustainably. We worked with SGBN and local municipal officials to expand their circular economy programming and maximize impact.

We evaluated HP's internal employee device lifecycle with a focus on waste reduction, end-of-life reuse, and streamlined logistics. This resulted in a 50% reduction in shipping costs, and an increase in life-span for 97% of the target hardware, among other benefits.

Let’s get started.

Contact us to join a movement of circular business leaders and visionaries - we’d love to help you at every step of your circular journey.