Let’s accelerate your journey towards more sustainable products and services - and the ecosystems that bring them to life.

Circular Spring’s expert research, facilitation, and boutique consulting services can fast-track your efforts to launch circular product & service solutions.

Too often the development of circular or more sustainable offerings are stymied due to lack of internal alignment and coordination, no reliable process for innovation, or gaps in the implementation capabilities needed for long-term success. Our product and service roadmaps will integrate your business and sustainability strategies to create lasting impact and secure your position as industry leaders.

How we take the journey, together:




Identify high priority business issues while gaining internal stakeholder alignment on circularity targets and which key challenges and opportunities to address first.




Co-create innovative circular product and service solutions with our accelerated design sprint format and roll them out reliably with a successful go-to-market strategy.




Identify and engage the necessary actors, stakeholders, technology, and processes to create the organizational change and ecosystems needed to deliver circular solutions.

Learn more about the Circular Economy in our FAQs.

Navigate challenges:

  • Aligning your sustainability and business strategy, initiatives and goal setting across leadership and internal teams

  • Future-proofing your business to adapt to upcoming, and shifting ESG regulations

  • Increased customer demand for more sustainable products 

  • Addressing climate and supply chain risks

  • Competitors & changes in market landscape

Arrive at solutions:

Discover your untapped circular business opportunities

Effective Risk Management

  • Meet increasing ESG policy and legal requirements

  • Identify, assess, and address hot spots of environmental and social impact in your supply chains

  • Mitigate climate and supply chain risks

Optimize Your Brand

  • Build capacity for innovation

  • Enhance brand value

  • Increase customer loyalty

  • Boost employee morale

Increase Competitiveness

  • Lower costs via optimization of material use.

  • Produce additional revenue streams through new circular products and service offerings.

  • Increase ROI for product development cycles

Lead Your Industry

  • Build resilience and adaptability to changing markets and regulatory demands

  • Be first to market with innovative products & services

  • Shape the future and save the planet.

Let’s get started.

Contact us to join a movement of circular business leaders and visionaries- we’d love to help you at every step of your circular journey.